Pola Tea Brand
Say hi to Pola Tea & Flowers. Pola means “relax” and we’re happy to announce the Pola brand of carefully curated tea blends, they also have a space to enjoy them and beautiful flowers in Hout Bay. This Mandela Legacy initiative supplied teas and blends at the SA POC conference.
Q & A with Pola Tea Brand
Question: What’s your goal/vision for this conference.
Answer: Our goal is to share our knowledge in the art of making tea. We hope to do this with the audience of the #SAPOCTable conference who will experience and identify a space in which to commune and be at leisure in the fulfilment of drinking tea. We also feel that our presence and participation is important in order for our own growth as it allows us to learn from others in the industry and understand the collective challenges we may face. In understanding such challenges, we may be able to assist and alleviate through the means of our resources.
Question: Fill in the following: Transformation in this industry (name your specific field or cause) will happen when…
Answer: When more of us begin to recognise the beauty and value of our ideas in a way that can have material benefits for those who trade and consume the concept.
Question: What would you love people to know about you and your work?
Answer: The Mandela Legacy directs its resources and focus to create economic, environmental and social benefits for Africa. Its immediate focus is to create a future for South Africa’s youth by providing guidance, hope and opportunity.