Pitso Chauke
Pitso Chauke is an ex police officer, turned chef and restaurateur. With a passion for cooking, and especially traditional meals, he opened up Pitso’s Kitchen, an institution of South African food in Cape Town. Pitso’s Kitchen has a permanent stall the Old Biscuit Mill and a restaurant in Long Street, Cape Town.
Q & A with Pitso
1.I’m a chef, restaurateur and motivational speaker and I’m busy planning to launch a book about my life and my journey.
2. My biggest highlight was when I had just resigned from work and opened a small restaurant opposite the old Biscuit mill. The overwhelming feeling I got on a Saturday was different midweek, and one day I sold just a meal. I learnt a lot from that experience, I learnt to be patient, persistence and passionate. I call that moment my PPP moment.
3. Food(African cuisine) industry will only be transformed if we educate each other about different cuisines. I’m a master at this cuisine because I grew up on it, but I can’t relate to Asian cuisines or even Cape Malay cuisine. All I know is that it’s a different cuisine. Education is important, especially in conferences like SAPOC or even food expos.
4. My vision for SAPOC is to get rid of people’s fears to start something and to prove that no matter where you’re from in the world, you can be who you want to be if you believe in yourself and what you want to achieve.
5. I admire a few people but the one that stands out would be Mrs Siba Mtongana. She gave me advice that I will forever cherish, which is to believe in myself and not to be apologetic of my achievements.
Follow Pitso’s Kitchen on Instagram @pitsos_kitchenza